Bacalhau à Brás / Cod to the "Brás"- a classic in the Portuguese gastronomy

  • 3 postas de bacalhau
  • 2 cebolas
  • 1kg de batatas 
  • Azeitonas às rodelas
  • Pimenta e sal q.b.

  1. Coza o bacalhau e desfie. Reserve.
  2. Frite as batatas
  3. Corte a cebola às rodelas. Leve a refogar, num tacho, juntamente com azeite. Quando as cebolas estiverem douradas acrescente o bacalhau e a pimenta, deixe repousar durante 5 minutos. Adicione as batatas e envolva muito bem. Por fim, junte o ovo, volte a envolver. Decore com algumas azeitonas. 

Bom apetite!



  • 3 portions of dissalated and frayed codfish
  • 2 onions
  • 1kg of french fries 
  • Olives cutted into rings
  • Black pepper
  • 1 egg

  1. Cook the codfish in water. 
  2. Fry the french fries.
  3. Slice the onions and stew in the olive oil until they get light brown. Then, add the codfish, season with black pepper and let it cook for 5 minutes. Finally add the french fries and a egg, stir very well. 
  4. Decorate with the olives. 


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